Jumat, 15 Juli 2011

new version hamlet

When Hamlet wanted to retaliate for the death of his father. He driven by the body death that existed at that King. Hamlet trying not to tell where the body was located, but Rosencran, trying retrieve the body from Hamlet.

Hamlet : Safe, already awake. I'd rather remain silent!

Gentelmen : (with Hamlet) Hamlet My lord, what do you mean?

Hamlet : It's okay. I think the body will be hard but, fine
Ohh ...... Does anybody call? Hamlet who's calling? They will reach in here

Suddenly Rosencran came with his bodyguards to meet Hamlet....

Rosencrantz : What has been done with the body's, Sir?

Hamlet : The body had been damaged by sand dust. And I don’t know where the bodies were
Rosencranz : Tell to everyone at the palace where the body it will take with us, we will bring the bear into the ship. (with convincing facial)

Hamlet : Don’t believe what he said !

Rosencrantz : What must in believe, Sir? Is not that obvious? Just tell the host where the body was located the more you know the body death that!

Gentelmen : Rosencran, you're wrong person? Lord Hamlet don’t know where the body are
Rosencrantz : Hahahaha, is not you’re lord it better to know everything?

Hamlet : I don’t keep the death body or hear his advice about it.
It's not my right.besides that it will demand a sponge, what replication should be made
by a son of King !
Gentelmen : Yes My lord!
Rosencrantz :I will take the spong, my Lord?
Hamlet : Yeah sir, that soaks up the King’s contenance, his rewards,his auhtorities.But such officers do the King best service in the end. He keeps them, like an ape, in the corner of his jaw,first mouthed, to be last swallowed. When he needs what you have gleaned, it’s but squeezing you and, sponge, you shall be dry again.

Gentelment : What is the purpose of my Lord? I don’t understand!

Rosencrantz : Is that related to the sponge?

Hamlet : I’m glad of it! A knavish speech sleeps in a voolish ear.

Actually Hamlet have to know for what has been done to him, but Hamlet strive to always maintain the trust that has been given to him. Rosencran intend to take it from Hamlet.What will happen that the body next?

Rosencrantz : My lord what shall we say? where the bodies go? When my lord told us where
the bodies were located. We will take to the King.
Hamlet : the bodies that have been shared with the king. but the king is not with that body !

Rosencrantz : What do you mean my lord?

Hamlet : Never mind, we had better watch it all will happen if we were not always

Gentlemant : What happend My Lord if the body have been found ?

Hamlet : The body will remaind with the King.If the body will found the other person,the body will not lost.Because, that body will together with the King.

Suddenly bodyguard Guildistren came to meet Hamlet…..

Hamlet : What do you done in here, Guildenstern ?

Guildistren : I come to look your condition, my Lord. I had heard that there was a commotion about the body death, is that correct, Sir?
Hamlet : Ohh.. no problem. That's important, the body is with the King, but the King is not with the body. The King is a thing…………….
Guildistren : A thing, my Lordd ?
Hamlet : Of nothing. Bring me to him. Hide fox and all after
Guildstren : Yess.. my lord I will do it.


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